Renew your trademark hassle-free with Filing Buddy's online service. The efficient and user-friendly platform of Filing Buddy ensures a seamless trademark renewal process. Save time and stay protected by availing of our reliable and secure trademark renewal service. Keep your brand identity strong with Filing Buddy
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Trademark registration is essential for businesses to distinguish their goods or services from competitors in the market. However, it is crucial to ensure that these trademarks meet certain criteria. For example, they should not contain offensive elements, be distinct from existing trademark registrations in India, and not incorporate government logos or emblems.
The trademark registration application may be rejected if any of the above conditions are violated. Once a trademark is registered, it remains valid for 10 years and needs to be renewed before it expires. The renewal process can be initiated 6 months before the effective date of expiry.
A registered trademark adds value to your product or service by establishing trust, quality, reliability, and goodwill in customers' minds. It sets you apart from other sellers, especially when trading on popular online platforms like Flipkart and Amazon.
Please renew your trademark registration to avoid its removal from the register or Trademarks Journal after 12 months of expiry. To prevent this, the registrar sends a notice before the expiry date. Renewal is possible within 6 to 12 months after the expiry date by paying a fine. Ensure the longevity and protection of your trademark by utilizing our online trademark renewal service. We make the process seamless and convenient, allowing you to maintain your unique identity and reap the benefits of a registered trademark.
Trademark renewal in India can involve either changing the logo or emblem of the trademark registration or renewing it without any alterations. The renewal procedure consists of the following steps:
In some instances, business owners or management may miss the renewal date of their business trademark, resulting in its expiration. However, according to section 25(4) of the Trademark Act, 1999, trademark holders have the option to restore their expired trademarks. This restoration must be done within a maximum of 12 months from the date of expiry, accompanied by the payment of fines and prescribed fees.
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Business entities must file their ITR annually to comply with the tax laws of their respective countries. It helps the government assess and collect the appropriate amount of income tax from taxpayers and ensures proper accountability of financial activities.
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